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Zoning Systems 

Every home has a different airflow pattern. Because of floor plan layout, wind, exposure to the sun, drafts, etc., different rooms have different requirements for heating or cooling to maintain the desired comfort level in each room. There are also times when you are not using various rooms and could save a considerable amount of money by not heating or cooling them to the same temperature as the rooms you are using. With a complete zone control system and digital setback thermostats, you can maintain the exact comfort level you require in each zone and automatically change your settings for day or night use.

Zoning Recommendations:

  • Most homes need a minimum of two zones; the living areas and the sleeping areas
  • Additional zones for the kitchen, family room, and entertainment areas will add additional comfort and energy savings
  • Two story homes; downstairs and upstairs
  • Any room that is a "part time" room such as the basement, utility room, guest room, etc.
  • Individual bedrooms where family members require different comfort levels

Serving Greater Cincinnati,

Northern Kentucky

and Southeastern Indiana

for 40 Years


"Geo is a very clean heating and cooling system.  We really like Bill Spade, they are very reliable."  

M. Kramer - Okeana, OH


    Bill Spade Electric, Heating & Cooling
    7181 Wesselman Road
    Cleves, OH 45002
    Phone: 513-941-0075

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